Keep me from WRATH
Recently, I have received a big assignment. It's not from any lecturers or tutors, it's from God. Loving people is a learning process, but loving someone who has taken advantages on your kindness, it's incredible tough! You know someone is trying to make use of you, are u going to continue to love this person, or treat him/her the way he/she treat you? Deep in my heart, I admit I am struggling. Emotional breakdown confused me the attitude and faith that I am used to hold on. I am fed up and tired. However, God is a loving God who will never abandon us. He spoke to me this morning through a passage.
Oh thank God, I am learning.
David in Psalm 37 prays that he will not retaliate but will instead rest in Lord and wait patiently for Him to bring justice to the earth in due time. For evil-doers shall be cut off; but those who wait on the Lord, they shall inherit the earth.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Roman 12:19,21This must begin in the heart, the wellspring from which the issues of our lives flow. May we cease from anger, forsake wrath, and wait patiently for the Lord.
Oh thank God, I am learning.