Watch and be amazed~~

It's been one scary experience. Well, I suppose it does make sense since most working couples in first world countries are deciding to have less or no children due to their excessively busy lifestyle.

No idea what I'm talking about? Check out this clip (some of you might already watched it).

After watching something like that, a few issues popped into my mind. World population, resources and christian fertility.

Taking them one by one, I'll start off with world population. The current world population is more than 6 billion people, yes, that's 6 followed by nine zeros. World governments are already complaining of declining global resources and another 50 years into the future doesn't really paint a rosy picture. However, we being in Malaysia won't feel much of a pinch however it is important to take note of our responsibilities in these situations. Heard of the 30 hour famine? Yea, we're gonna do it soon. Hopefully it'll make people realize the dire situation that is about to hit soon.

From that short clip, the message relayed to me is that christians should reproduce more. Yea, being a sustainable culture and all that. Looking at the fertility rates of the non-muslim families for the past 20 years in Malaysia can already comfirm the statictics. Most working couples would have less or no children because of their excessively busy lifestyle, and christian couples are not spared too. God did say "go forth and multiply" way back in Genesis. So for the seniors who are planning on getting hitched or already tied the knot, feel free to let loose a few mini versions of yourselves into the world XD

So for those reading this piece, you know what you should do XD


Unknown said…
Hi guys,
Just my two sen, but I don't think this post helps us very much, sorry to have to say.

1) After watching the video, it leaves you with a feeling of fear and even hostility towards our Muslim neighbours. Gaddafi is definitely not the typical Muslim we meet on the streets of Malaysia, or in campus for that matter! We should be trying to bridge the gap by reaching out and understanding, in order to share of the gospel of Christ, not building walls and the first step to doing so is by getting rid of our prejudices and stereotypes.

2) Statistics are distilled raw data, not real world interactions. The world isn't being split into a Muslim vs Non-muslim war. It's as if Muslims and non-muslims can't cooperate and its a giant football match, with only two sides trying to kick the hell out of each other. You mean once a person says "I'm Muslim" you have to be on the opposite side of that person? What about common issues that affect all. Malaysia has seen Muslim and non-Muslim come together to fight for the common good of human and religious rights. How about the 30 hour famine? Is it ok for muslims to come? Isn't that a good example of Christians inviting non-Christians to come and glimpse and participate in God's larger redemptive plan.

We are in a war not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities of darkness. Our war has been won, for Christ in us is greater than he that is in the world. Our war has been won, for Christ will return victoriously.

But, don't forget that even Christ fought His battle at the cross not with finger-pointing and might and anger but with compassion and sacrifice and humility. No servant is greater than His master. Let us ask God to make us hungry for others to be saved and to compel us with the love to do so.

S.i.m.o.n said…
This comment is not going to be pleasing.
1. We in Malaysia WILL feel much more than a pinch. Very SOON that is. The political tremors in our country are ripping everything apart. (Malaysia is truly the eye of the world now. But for the wrong cause.) The ignorance of BOTH political leaders AND average citizens are jeopardizing social justice, racial harmony, safety & security, healthy cultures...(list goes on). Not to mention; the global chaos of evolved viral outbreak, economic crashes, GLOBAL WARMING. Almost as a matter of fact, Earth average temperature would rise by 4.8 Celcius in 50 years. If only death of thousands mean a pinch to you...
2. I strongly believe that the message meant to be relayed by the editor of this video is to evangelize MORE; especially to Muslims. NOT REPRODUCING MORE. Watch The 11th Hour? The entire economic and environmental catastrophe (which are tightly tied together) is driven pretty much by consumption. Bringing more into this world isn't going to help much, if at all.

Culture evolves. Inevitable phenomenon. The past cultures are not here today; not solely due to declining population of the culture-practicing people, they evolve. Based on new discoveries, knowledge, understandings, environment and so on.

Christianity is least of all a culture, at my very own POV. It's a message of love, grace and salvation. Not to be preserved and sustained, but shared. Not by population increment, but by works of hands and words of testimonies.
IZ said…
1st of all, thanks to the 2 of you for the insightful comments even though simon claim its not a pleasing one. I hope that the CF blog can cause the fellow CFers to think and discuss issues that affects all of us, whether now or in the future.

I gotta admit that I felt threatened after watching the video. But as you say, bridging the gap between muslim and non-muslim is the key. However, much prayer and effort must be put forth before the wall can be broken down.

You're right. Christ died for us all regardless of our ethnicities or our beliefs. I stand corrected. For now, I think that Christian missions should pay more attention to our muslim brethen because of their numbers.

As for the issues that affect us all, I personally would love it for muslims to attend. However, their attendance will be dictated by whether the university adminstration allows it and whether they feel that it is a christian event.

Most Malaysians won't feel anything unless it personally affects them. Just take the recent chaos at perak. The friends that I have living in Ipoh didn't really care what happens(admittedly, I only have a small number of friends there but still a telling). The level of awareness of average Malaysians are still low. The average Malaysian is more concerned whether they get to keep their jobs compared to a possible pandemic outbreak in another continent. Which i hope that the organisation of 30-hour famine can help to solve.

The video can bring out different reactions from different people. As I mentioned earlier in my reply to yewkong's comment, I stand corrected. I should've looked at it from another angle. (By the way, I wanted to watch the 11th hour. But somehow, I keep forgetting. Do you have a copy?)

I find that Christianity can be termed as a culture because a culture is an identity that a particular group of people can subscribe to. The christian culture (I hope) is one where people can term as caring and loving, beyond the boundaries of ethnicity, skin colour and distance and most important of all, our common belief in the Gospel of Christ.

I hope this post won't end up antagonizing people but rather to help enlighten others about issues that we should all be concerned about.

PS. If I'm wrong in any way, feel free to point it out and correct me, try to be nice XD
S.i.m.o.n said…
I apologize if my comment sounded too harsh. But reality is harsher.

I am TRULY glad to see you putting such issues into 'discussion' (though not much people responded) in this blog. Keep it up.

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