Day 2

As day 2 dawned during the period of fast and pray for 40 days, we reflect upon the the place, the nation that we call home. Although Malaysia has been used time and time again to symbolize racial and cultural unity yet we know that the very fabric of it has been stretched thin especially during these times.
There are those who wish for a monoethnic nation, there are those who only befriend those of the same tongue yet we all must remember that God placed each and everyone of us where we are today. Let us make full use of it and allow God to use us to reach unbelievers regardless of race and creed.

In John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son; that whosoever believes in Him will have eternal life". If God loves the very people that surround us everyday despite their differences with us, who are we to do otherwise? Are we greater than the Creator HImself? Surely not!

Instead, let us meditate upon the words of our Lord and pray that we can make a difference in this land we call home. Pray that the people in this land will be 'colourblind' and treat each other with love that God so commanded us to. Pray that the Lord will open our hearts and our hands so that we may be a living testimony to the people around us, that they'll see that language and culture won't be able to stop the work of God. Pray.

As day 3 approaches, rest well for the morrow.


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