Camp Cam 09' - Week 1..

Here are some updates. Now Camp Cam 09’ has come to the 1st week (out of 3week). And we have finished the series on “Redeeming Relationship with self and God” and the first part of “The Odyssey of The People of God”. Here are some pictures which I manage to capture on the outing day to the BOH Tea Plantation after chapel on Thursday afternoon. It was fun catching up with CF member! Grace Kong Song Peng finally straighten her hair and she look beautiful.. :p Isaac became the father and Ann Nee and Derrick are the eldest in the family. Frog is quiet and Chuang Ki is doing fine.

A partial view of the camp site inthe morning..

Derrick trying to impress a stray dog..

Took picture on the garden

Oh ya, I’m blogging via Celcome 3G.. :p


Joy Easily said…
Joshua Entol said…
waawawa.... dont la litobear.. :P
~nEw DoRy~ said…
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~nEw DoRy~ said…
Hey.. show la some photos with your respective families... Haha.. Send my regards to my dear auntie Ee Ling... =)Grace and Issac, don't bully your grandma, my auntie yea... haha.. Have fun..

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