Juru, anyone?

Okay, first off, gotta apologise for the absense of pics in this post...(sorry, i'm not a camera person)

Last. Night. Was. A. Blast.

From the beginning till the end. Ok, this might be really nothing to seniors but it's pretty much "wild" to me(yes, i'm a n00b...)

Impromtu decision to go Juru just for the fun of it. Right in the middle of finals. Boarded the Ol'CF van, with only one goal in mind, JURU!!!!

Imagine, 10 people stuffed into the van like sandines (I think I should stop here 'cause I was the one calling dibs on the front seat. Bwahahaha), ended up at Old Town.

During the "yumcha", weird topics somehow came up. Seemingly out of nowhere. From Aaron's job to various topics that are not for the faint hearted(or below people below 18 =P) to Da Vinci's Code by Dan Brown! (If you really wanna know what we talked about, just ask derrick, jason, nick, loong wei, jp, pres yeoh, sze ling, ming chung or aaron =P)

Before we knew it, it was almost 2am.Paid the bill. Went for 2nd round at McD(I can just smell the awe and jealously from you readers already...)

And this guy here arrived in his room finally at the unearthly hour of 2.30 in the morning...

Signing off now to catch some zzzzz's....


Joy Easily said…
yer...i also want McD!!!!

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