USM KKJ CF Family Camp 08'

USM KKJ CF Family Camp 2008
Location : CCC Penang Batu Feringgi
Theme : Baring the fruit of the spirit
** please, if any more things to talk about we welcome you to write or just drop us a msg..Dont be shy..

WOW! The long awaited camp since the beginning of ages has finally come to pass! The USM KKJ CF Family Camp08’. The journey to CCC was quite fast. Although it was raining when we left campus, thankfully, it only drizzled when we reached there. After some time freshening up, we had out first session. We all set out who is whose honey and who is whose bee. Then we had out first session with Sis Annette. The message was a personal commitment about whether or not we are bearing the fruit of the spirit. Even if we falter in one element of the fruit, we still don’t bear the fruit. The message got most of us thinking about it. We had some ‘bonding session’ after that: some played board games and some chit-chatting.

The second day started off with the morning exercise. It was still so early in the morning, so most of the moves registered to our head 5s late. The verse we pondered upon for devotion was John 21:15-17. I believe God spoke to the campers in His own way through this verse. After our breakfast, we had our second session. It was about being a ‘kay-poh-chee’ and not being a ‘cannibal’. This past of the message got us thinking about our relationship with the people around us- does everything revolve around us? Or are we looking out for one another? The workshop that we had after that was writing poems- to be in touch with our ‘creative’ side. It was strange, but really fun. After our lunch and a time of rest, we had games. Everyone so semangat playing- started raining already and we still went on. Even after that we played more games – arm wrestling. During the rest time, some went to rest, while some played games.

After our dinner, the third session began and this message was really good- a commitment to God, commitment to ourselves, commitment to do our best in whatever situation it is we are in, a commitment to live our lives as a blessing to the people around us. We had a time of sharing, and we really got to know our group members more through this time of sharing. After that everyone had supper and still got semangat to play games. This night we stayed up a little late ‘coz it’s the last night there.

Early next morning, after P&W, we had our time of sharing with each other. From that, we can all tell that this camp has been a refreshing time for all of us. The message really got us all thinking and it is definitely something to take home. Now that we know the theory part of it, we shall try to put it into practice. Next we had the honey and bee session and some time to lepak around before we left.

Anonymous writes:-

For me, I had a good time at this camp. Before that, I really hoped that the message will be something I can take back home and keep it. Indeed it did exactly that. I can see that I am more serious and committed to my studies and not just fooling around- like what I did the last 7 weeks. I hope the effect will last long. Of course it’s up to me to make that happen. But for now I can safely say that it is still on. I also got to know so many other people better through this camp. Even after the camp I can see that we are closer. Thank you, coordinators for your hard work, and thank you for choosing this theme.

p/s: The person who wrote what is above wishes to remain anonymous. If you happen to know who he/she is, or think you know who he/she is, you’re wrong. It’s not him/her.

Ching Wah writes:-


这是我入学以来第一次参加的CF camp。如果要我用一个字形容这个camp,我会说:”讚!”(我绝对不是在拍马屁)。老实说,这个camp跟我想象的差得蛮多。就说天气吧!在这三天两夜里,营会的活动几乎都是在雨天进行。去的时候下雨,吃饭时下雨,连游戏时也下雨,唉…… 但是,这雨是绝对浇不熄大伙的兴致。这点我们绝对可以从在沙滩上抢报纸的游戏中看出来

现在就来说说这camp发生的一些趣事吧!首先就是honey and bee的游戏。这个游戏就是让大家变成bee来照顾自己的honey。 所以呢,收不收到礼物就要看你的Bee对你好不好啦。(当然,如果你收不到礼物,你可以学学Jason,直接留言在礼物箱!哈…)其外,就说说我们的游戏吧!我们共分成4组,分别是:’Agape, Chara , Eirene和Makrothumia。我们进行的游戏不多,有拔河,前面所说的抢报纸啦,还有一个XX ball啦(不好意思,我忘记那个游戏叫什么名了…)。游戏才进行到一半,老天似乎也想参一份。雨水一滴一滴慢慢地下, 过后变成哗啦啦的傾盆大雨。大家都湿透了,但是谁在乎呢?试问有多少机会可以让我们一起淋雨淋得那么爽呢?

此外,当然还有很多有趣的细节和活动我无法一一地列出,很多感受无法一一地释怀…总的来说,这camp带给我最大的收获,莫属Annette带给我们的信息吧:”Bearing the fruit of spirit.”虽然要在灵命上结果是不容易的,但且让我们一起努力,一起追求神的话语.=)
最后,我要谢谢这雨天,谢谢这海滩,谢谢CF和大专的每个人,谢谢耶和华. 因为如果不是这样的雨天,如果不是这样的情景,如果不是这样的你和我,如果不是这伟大的神,这个camp也不会如此精彩,如此绚烂. 时间不断地向前迈进,营会里的情景也慢慢地变成旧相片.这样的回忆,是你我所珍惜的.我想说:”谢谢你们.”愿神祝福你们!

Siew Ping Writes:-

CF Family Camp 2008 ---在Batu Ferringghi 的Christian Convention Centre见证了圣灵所结的果子。何谓圣灵果子?圣灵果子乃是仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、温柔、节制。





**Currently I have more picture than words can say... So enjoy..


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