Registering Your Subjects

Starting from this new academic term, all registration is done online. So people please remember your healthycampus password for a lot of registration (from desa to school) is done online now.

I'm here to just explain the registration for subjects. Now peeps it's important that you know what subjects are offered and in what category they belong too. As the website does not indicate what is Teras and what is Elektif. So please ask around or better yet check the booklet which was given to you in first year. Once you know, please make sure your subjects are correctly labeled 'T' or 'E'. Please make sure you know. Final Year Students, this is important as if you do not have the 108 'T', 12 'E' and 15 'U' you cannot graduate, so please check all your units are correct.

If there is any queries, please leave a comment and I'll try to help assist you in whatever way possible


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