Counting down to Pentecost Sunday

Counting down to Pentecost Sunday (11 May 2008)
Global Day of Prayer 2008 - Pentecost Sunday

After Jesus was raised from the dead, He met with His followers many times during a period of forty days. He did far more than prove that He was alive. He spoke continuously about the Kingdom of God and the importance of spreading God's love amongst all the peoples of the earth.

On the last day that Jesus was with them, He told them to stay in Jerusalem and to wait for "the promise of the Father." Following His ascension into heaven, His disciples acted on His instruction - but it was not a passive waiting.

They sought God zealously, their hearts aligned, and in "one mind" concerning the promise about the coming Spirit of God. They waited by praying earnestly for ten days.

As we read their prayers, and as we listen to what poured from their hearts in the days that followed Pentecost, we learn about how they prayed. Their prayers and statements where birthed from the written Word of God. They prayed in fervent, hope-filled passion for God to fulfill His promises regarding His kingdom on earth.

Christ is again calling His church to unite in prayer. We are compelled to pray because the great troubles that shake our world have no human solution. Even more, we are called to pray because of the wonderful promises that God has purposed to accomplish by Christ's life and power among the peoples of earth.

Now is the time for God's people to gather again in persistent, united prayer. What better way to do so than to consecrate ourselves to seek God in prayer, as Jesus' first followers did?

Even we are just student, let's us join hand in hand to pray for our self, our town, our city, our country and our planet in which we are living in! Nothing is too small for God!

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (New International Version)

* For more info click here
* 10days prayer guide click here.


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