We are still here

Many people have been asking us why is Aaron's and Joshua's name still there? Well it it because Josh and I have decided to stick around (haha and by that doesn't mean we are doing masters or PhD). We've decided to be the eyes and ears for our beloved juniors of what's happening with your seniors. The idea of this blog was for seniors to log in as well and share their life experience as working people and also to keep in touch with the happenings of the cf and also to keep in touch with one another. As they say the world is small and with this blog I hope it will become smaller :)

As for now, I'm still in campus as everyone goes back for their holidays. I will be updating on the administration side of USM if any (eg course registration etc) and also what is happening in USM KKj itself. Heard that Desa Jaya is going through some renovation so I'll update when I can see then finished product. Other than that, I'll update on the ongoings of the seniors (just graduated) and see where they are at :)

Till then


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