Committee Planning Retreat (CPR) for Semester 1, 2009/2010 was held at Rumah Gunung Hijau, Maxwell Hill from 3 to 5 April. All committee attended this CPR included our FES worker, Yew Kong. The main purpose is to plan the activities for upcoming batch and evaluate last semester's programs, objectives and goals. New theme was set; which is 'Building Up, Reaching Out'. 4 objectives and 7 goals were set- committee's new challengges in CF. Before we went to Maxwell Hill, seniors did give some advice; 'bring more food'. Lolz...."Seniors, the food is sufficient~~". So, let pictures take the role of this whole CPR ^.^
-Upon arriving-
The chefs for CPR- Nicholas, Jason Tay, Isaac and Joy
Workshop from Yew Kong
-Examine hw healthy is your CF-

-Know Your Role-

-Loong Wei's group during objectives and goals discussions-

Last day of CPR....Evaluation of this CPR and sharings~~

~~Random Pictures~~

Bye Maxwell Hill~~

We're in the truck....

Lunch in Taiping before back campus

and special thanks to Jason Ling for fetching us to market at 7am!!!! to pick up our groceries~~~

-pic from edmond, jason, nicholas and joy camera-


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