CF Farewell

1st April 2009 is a normal 'April Fool' for everyone but for CF members, today might be a memorable date for seniors who are going to graduate soon. Time passes very fast and it's time to say goodbye. Thought it's hard to let such a bunch of crazy, nice and sporting monkey (oops...should be SENIORS), life needs to go on. The night began with praise and worship lead by Terence, back up by Isaac, James the pianist and Loong Wei the guitarist. We can see a new generation is born and really need to give them more support for showing up just to worship God. The night followed by a game and a mime entitled 'Find Us Faithful' by seniors.Aaron kor kor giving some explanation on the mime they're going to do. Everyone is wearing BLACK... Then followed by sharing~~~ Jinny and Aaron sang a song entitled 'Friends' before the OC- Grace gave them the souvenire. We're expecting a good feedback from seniors on the souvenire. Juniors really put lotsa effort on it~~Last but not least, we wish you all have a great time tonight and do visit us when you guys are free~~TAKE CARE SENIORS!!!

-pic by joy camera(sorry 4 the bad quality pic)-


~nEw DoRy~ said…
Joy.. the song is "find us faithful"... Hahaha.... =)
Joy Easily said…
thx..change jor le....=)

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